Thursday, November 26, 2020


If you are using a router, it could be limiting your MTU regardless of Registry settings. Consider your Nokia N79 as another laptop. It is showing connected bt not able to open ny websites!!! Check the modem number you had given. Download fresh version of Modem's usb driver foribb: What really happens is I can access the broadband login page from multiple systems http: Yes you can but you will have to configure your modem to bsnl settings…in your modem page that you can access by typing
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Configure & Install PPPoE Bsnl Broadband Adsl Modem Router

Recently i got magiclock phone from abroad. Could you please suggest the best alternative for WAG4. Can write on kalpesh03 gmail Thanks Kalpesh. Changing face of Cordless phones- disguised as smart phones. Originally Posted by aboadboy. What not to buy: Since it is ttype slow I have a plan to change the modem.

WiFi configuration and security settings of ZTE-ZXDSL-531 ADSL Modem

Sometime LAN connection disconnecting. To find out if the power supply is really the culprit just disconnect the power supply from zfe router and turn the power supply on if after minutes the power supply gets really hot then u are having a power supply problem. Search Everywhere Threads This forum This thread.

Dont forget to try out getting a free modem from bsnl by using their 8Mbps internet connection Share this: Few months back I had asked you procedure to configure my Netgear Wireless Router JNR and you had asked me to follow the instructions on this link http: May be available from BSNL.

I have been using it to run broadband on my desktop using the LAN port Ethernet cable. Tye rent or one time payment detail please. Is this mdoem good? My source is mentioned above. That means if your house is at considerable distance from nearest BSNL exchange, naturally the line attenuation will be more and the cheap quality Modems fail to perform reliably.


Modek hope your's from a third party vendor. Could anyone help me? But when I enquired the shopkeeper he said that I need to enquire bsnl to know whether this modem will suit the broadband connection.

I am facing issue connecting my android device to ZTE- Bsnl broadband.

At that time Type 2 had only 2 ethernet ports and Type 4 has 4 ports. When the zet are connectes individually, i. I have compared the Device status pages and other settings.

My problem is that I cannot access internet from my Apple iphone. Last edited by essbebe; 4th November at Bsnl offers following plans to select a Modem for their broadband connection.

Hope You have something new which can solve my problem.

None can help without proper feed back. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment.

To Home Page now what to do i need password chang for my wifi. Here you have to enter the same key which has been set in your Modem.

BSNL ADSL Modem Configuration: ZTE ZXDSL 831AII (Type-1)

Uncheck all other applications appearing in Task Bar. There is a yellow mark in network symble ,can you help me?

Should I go ahead and purchase one or else where can I find one.

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